Thursday, January 29, 2009

Study Up

I was tossing around the whole idea of "Blogosphere Evangelism" and some thoughts occurred to me that I'd like to share.

In my line of work, email can be the primary vehicle of communication between people. For many business relationships that I am a part of, the typed word is my very identity to the other person. Because of this, I've become fascinated with the typed word.

For my career, I have studied the art of effective emailing. It occurred to me, we Blogosphere Christians ought to study the art of effective blogging. My identity to you is this blog; similarly, all I know of you is what I read on your blog or what you post on my blog. To this end, let's study the ways in which we can create a blog persona which will effectively reach the lost. Always think, "What's the purpose of what I'm typing right now?" and "Who is my audience?" and "How will this post affect them when they read it?".

There is some great material available to learn how to become effective typers. Just thought I'd share.


  1. This is good stuff.

    I am pretty practical.

    I journal everyday for starters. I actually want to be a novelist, so writing is something I study constantly.

    (Not saying I am any good- mind you, I just love it :) )

    2 Peter 1:5 (NLT)

    5 In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge,

    Your post reminded me of this verse.

    I was thinking, if we can write super well and we know how to sound interesting- then tons of people will want to read what we write! :) Then, tons of people will get saved!

    So have a spirit of excellence and learn how to write well for the Glory of God!

    You got me all excited SinnerSaved!

  2. SinnerSaved / CarefulWhatYouSay,

    For what it's worth, I think you both write excellently well.

    Keep up the good work!


  3. Hey, thanks Matt!
    I think the same of you.

  4. ExPatMatt,

    The more I come across you.

    The more I like you.



