Saturday, August 7, 2010

Quick Thought

God made men, and God made women. He made them different.

This is to be celebrated, not hated and downplayed. Are you a man? Well, then be a man. Are you a women? BE a woman, just like God made you to be.

Don't let this backward, evil world shame you into believing otherwise.



  1. Shame, the poison that affects Christian and non-Christians alike. Confidence in who God made us to be, confidence in our identity as His beloved creation. We are loved by the magnificent Creator, and so many of us walk around insecure, feeling unloved, feeling shame and embarrassment. Jesus died to remove our chains of sin and shame, then we pick them up and put them back on. Crazy.

  2. What about people who self-identify as the opposite gender?

    What about men who are naturally effeminate or women who are naturally masculine (not talking about sexuality here)?

    Things aren't always as black and white as they appear.


    PS. You may want to delete that first post - looks like spam to me.
